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for sure artinya

contoh kalimat "for sure"
  • And it won't be easy -- that's for sure.
    Dan itu tidak akan mudah. Sudah pasti.
  • But I want to know for sure.
    Tapi aku tidak mau berpikir, aku ingin tahu pasti.
  • Without better imaging equipment, I can't say for sure.
    Tanpa peralatan lacak, aku belum bisa memastikan.
  • Well, we know for sure we have a Bussotti.
    Nah, kita tahu pasti kita memiliki Bussotti.
  • We will come for sure, promise is a promise!
    Kami pasti akan datang, janji adalah janji!
  • He ain't fucking here, that's for sure.
    Dia ga di sini, itu yang bisa gua pastiin.
  • There is someone- But I don't know for sure
    Ada seseorang- Tapi aku tidak tahu pasti
  • Jesus, that'll bring the harbor cops for sure.
    Ya Tuhan, Itu akan mengundang polisi pelabuhan pastinya.
  • We'd better stop it We're gonna lose for sure
    Kalau begitu hentikan saja, kita pasti kalah.
  • Hey, man, we thought you were dead for sure.
    Hei kawan, kami kira kau sudah mati.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5